Tips & Tricks
- Function + F1:
- Right Click: Clear Screen
- Right Click + Command: Flashlight
- Right Click + Option: Color Selection Wheel
- Tips and Tricks - Highlight and Control D. Awesome. Try. Feature.
- Select all. Drag and Drop
Visual Studio
The Complete iMovie Course - Rafi Saar
Section 5
- How to Favourite a clip.

Section 7: Editing in the Timeline
- j,k,l keys - really cool
- Joining Splitted Clips
- Format Code: From the main menu, select Code | Reformat Code or press Ctrl+Alt+L
- Search in Folder: Ctrl+Shift+F
Mac Book Pro
Apple Mac Basics - The Complete Course for beginners
Java Location: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-
Short Cuts
- Finder: Command + n
Side Bar, Path Bar
Working with Text
Shift, Conrol, Option, Command
- Shift + Command + Right Arrow: Entire Line
- Shift + Option + Right Arrow: Word by Word
- Shift + Press Mouse at the End of Line: It will select entire line.
Read more here # It works!
- ⌘ N New document
- ⌘ W Close document
- ⌘ O Open file
- ⌘ S Save document
- ⌘ Q Quit
- ⌘ H Hide app
- ⌘ M Minimize window
- ⌃ ⌘ F Full screen
- ⌘ P Print
A | A | A | A | A | A | A | A | A |
⌘ | ⇧ | ⌥ | ⌃ | ⏎ | ⌫ | ⎋ | ⏏ | ︎ ⇪ |
Command | Shift | Option | Control | Return | Delete | Escape | Eject | Caps Lock |