Harry Lorayne

Identify the pegs which are difficult to remember. Make use of images to remember those pegs. Also try to make your own pegs, the first peg that comes to your mind. See it, visualize it as clearly as possible.

Letter are not important. We are interested in the sound only. It is called phonetic alphabet. Phonetic sound of these letters are the same in each case.

Option Option Option Option Option
1. T, D 2. N 3. M 4. R 5. L
6. J, sh, ch, g (gee) soft g 7. K, c, g (go) hard c, hard g 8. F, v 9. P, b 10. Z, s

Option Option Option Option Option
1. Tie 11. Tot 21. Net 31. mat 41. rod
2. Noah 12. Tin 22. Nun 32. moon 42. rain
3. Ma 13. Tomb / Dam 23. Name 33. mummy 43. ram
3. Ma 14. Tire 24. Nero 34. mower 44. rower
4. Rye 15. Towel / Dil 25. Nail 35. mule 45. roll,
5. Law 16. Dish / 26. notch 36. match 46. roach
6. Shoe 17. Tack, Dick 27. neck 37. mug 47. rock
7. Cow 18. Dove 28. knife (JIRA Design Date) 38. movie 48. roof
8. Ivy 19. Tub 29. knob 39. mop 49. rope
9. Bee 20. Nose 30. mice 40. rose 50. lace

Option Option Option Option Option
51. Lot 61. Sheet 71. Cot 81. Fit 91. Bat
52. Lion 62. Chain 72. Coin 82. Phone (fone), fan 92. Bone, Pin, Pen
53. Loom 63. Chum 73. Comb 83. Foam 93. Bum (Hindi)
54. Lure 64. Cherry 74. Car 84. Fur 94. Bear
55. Lily 65. Jail, Chilli 75. Coal 85. File 95. Bell, Bill, Ball, Pill
56. Leech 66. Choo Choo 76. Cage 86. Fish 96. Beach , Bush
57. Log 67. Chalk 77. Coke 87. Fog 97. Book
58. Lava 68. Chef 78. Cave 88. Fife 98. Puff
59. Lip, Lap 69. Ship 79. Cob 89. Fob 99. Pipe
60. Cheese 70. Case 80. Fez 90. Bus 100. Thesis, Disease