Bachata Pooja Rishab
- Drama on the Dance Floor (
- PR Routine (
- On the Spot, and Rotation in close hold
- Side Basic
- Vertical Basic
- Diagonal Basic,
- Hammer Lock 1,
- Hammer Lock 2,
- Wrap and Wave,
- Wrap and Comb,
- Cream Routine,
- Wrap, n Left Right,
- Double Hand Turn,
- Double Hand Trun with Flick
- 180 degress, 3 types
- Saturday: Side Basic, In Place / On Spot Basic, Front/Vertical Basic (with Resistance), Right Turn, Left Turn, Step and Touch, Right Turn + Left Turn, Double Hand Turn, Double Hand Turn (comb), Double Hand Turn (flick), Come in Close Hold (Basic & Advanced), How to give resistance.
Bachata Routines
Drop By Drop will Makes My Ocean
- Ritika Cornell Raasta Workshop: 1st 4 beats of 180 turn, then turn the lady 2 times, and wrap her hand around your neck. Cornell Ritika Raasta Workshop
- Incognito: Incognito Lock & Drop Hand Flick Labels
Shine with Bachata Shines
For each new shine, give it one basic song and shine with the shine.
- 2 times basic,
- 2 times cross,
- 2 times on the spot,
- 2 times step and touch,
- 2 times step and touch diagonally,
- 2 times dominican step,
- 2 times square,
- 2 times salsa
- 2 times slide (or Tango) - Prep in 4. Go 5,6,7,8
- 2 times Vertical Basic,
- 2 times Left Turn + Right Turn,
- 2 times Spins,
- 2 times 1,2,3,4+Wave,
- 2 times 1, tap, 2, tap, 3, tap, 4, tap,
- 2 times 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
- 2 times Valencia
- 2 Hip Toes, Hip Toes, Hip Toes, Knee Drop ( 3:56)
Petra Mohamed
- MP 04 Dominican Footwork Edited Shines: Cross Basic, On The Spot, Peacock, Box/Square, Step and Touch, Diagonal, Salsa, Slide (or Tango)
- MP-06.Sensual Closed Position: Tango
- Create your first long & easy combination 1-2: Hammer Lock Prep
Bachata - Incognito Dance
Bachata Dance Partner Work Course - Improvers Level - Incognito Dance