Jonathan Levi Worksheet

Personal Goals Worksheet

  1. Write out 3-5 specific goals that you would like to accomplish… for example, would you like to double your reading speed? Be able to remember the names of 10 new people in a social event? Be able to read 2 new books every month? Make these goals realistic, but also challenging
    1. I would like to be able to read at least 1-2 books every month. That will help me learn more. Along with that I would like to remember / retain as much as possible, and be able to use it in daily life.
    2. I would like to do more courses from Udemy / Pluralsight and remember what I learnt.
    3. I would like to be able to remember 3-5 new names daily, and re-collect them easily, when it is needed.
    4. I would like to remember new terms / information related to my work and use it confidently when required.
    5. I would like to get most out of technical documentation that I read often e.g.. SOW
  2. Why would you like to accomplish these goals? How will doing so improve your life?
    1. It will help to improve my work, learn things better and faster and use it in my professional life.
    2. It will help me connect better with friends, tell them better stories and be at the center of attraction / group.
    3. It will help me achieve career growth and monetary growth in profession. I will be able to learn new skills quickly, and start using it as well in real time.
  3. What is one time that you have felt you could benefit from improved learning or memory skills? How did you feel?
    1. Memory Palace
    2. Harry Lorayne
    3. Saccades
    4. Visual Memory
  4. Who are 2-3 people (in your life or in the public sphere) whom you admire for their intelligence and ability to learn new information?
    1. Amol
    2. Pradeep
    3. Anand
    4. Mandar
  5. What are the 5 questions that you want to be able to answer whenever you read a new piece of information?
    1. Summary of what I read
    2. Name / Relevant information
    3. How and Where to use it

Memory Games