
Daily Journal, Life Goals and Motivation
Why do you want to keep a journal ?
Think about why it will help you regardless of the goals you have. We will think about goals in question #3 below.
- Sometime I need someone to talk to. There is lot going on in my personal and professional life. Writing down my thoughts will help me get more clarity, get better perspective in life.
- I will not have to be dependent on people to vent out.
- I can lent myself an honest ear, and do some soul searching.
Positive Changes
What positive changes can a journal bring to your life? Think about bad habits you want to reduce – procrastination, improve discipline, better focus, etc.
- I feel so overwhelmed with endless thoughts in my mind. Writing them down, will help me calm my self.
- It will help me overcome endless chatter going on in my mind.
- It will help me to organize, prioritize my thoughts, and channelize my energy in proper direction.
- I will give me more clarity, and help me to accomplish my goals.
- It will help me to focus on my achievements in life (no matter how small)
- It will help me to learn from my mistakes. My mistakes will become my lessons for my life.
Specific Goals
What specific goals do you have that a journal can help with? Think about specific goals that the journal can help you accomplish. For example, better track and plan my study schedule so I can get better grades in school. List your top 4 below
- It will help me to prioritize things and avoid procrastination
- It will help me to effectively plan for short term and long term
- It will help me to stay focused on my plan
- It will help me to introspect and understand what I really want in my life
- It will help me to realize my following dreams:
- Write that book, which I always wanted to read.
- Start blogging, and sharing my life’s experience.
- Try to live my dreams, even if the dreams are un-realistic.
- Start my YouTube channel, and share my life’s learning and experience with the world.
- Stop chasing money, and start living your passion.
- Take more risk, be willing to try and keep learning for lifetime.
Any other thoughts? Use this space to write out any other thoughts you have about journal keeping.