Microservices Architecture

Springboot Microservices Reference Implementation

  • Eureka Discovery Service
  • Account Management Microservice - Registration, Login, Authentication, User Status
  • Spring Cloud API Gateway as a Load Balancer
  • H2 In-Memory Database
  • Spring Cloud API Gateway - Creating a Custom Filters, Gateway Global Filters
  • Spring Cloud Config Server - Git Backend
  • Spring Cloud Bus
  • Spring Cloud Config - File System Backend
  • Spring Cloud Config - Configuration for Multiple Microservices
  • Spring Boot Actuator
  • Using MySQL Instead of In-Memory Database
  • Encryption and Decryption
  • Microservices Communication
  • Microservices communications - Hystrix Circuit Breaker, Resilience4j - Circuit Breaker, Resilience4j - Retry.
  • Distributed Tracing with Sleuth and Zipkin
  • Aggregaring Log Files with ELK Stack

AWS Serverless REST APIs

  • REST API and its design principles
  • Building Serverless REST APIs in AWS with Java
  • Amazon API Gateway
  • Build and deploy API with AWS SAM
  • AWS Lambda
  • Implement User Sign-up, Sign-in and Conformation features
  • Amazon Cognito
  • Learn to use Cognito Authorizers
  • Implement custom Lambda Authorizer to validate JWT
  • Learn to Encrypt & Decrypt sensitive environment variables
  • Learn to use API Keys and Usage Plans
  • Unit Test AWS Lambda functions
  • AWS CodeCommit, AWS CodeBuild, AWS CodePipeline