The Compound Effect

1. The Compound Effect in Action

Exercise 1

Write out a few excuses you might be clinging to (e.g., not smart enough, no experience, wrong upbringing, don’t have the education, etc.). Decide to make up in hard work and personal development to outcompete anyone—including your old self.

Not Smart Enough

Problem: Memory

Solution: Jonathan Levi, Anki, Harry Lorayne

Wrong Upbringing

If I had my parents more available to me teaching the values of people, relationship, money I would be better off. If only they would have taught me how to deal with difficult situations and people, I would have been more successful

Naresh you cannot go back and change your past. You are grown up , well read, seen a lot of world, met a lot of people. It is just that, you get into same situation and repeat the same mistakes. All you need to do is identify the pattern(s) from your past experience, learn from your mistakes and break out of the pattern(s).

Be Scott—Write out the half-dozen small, seemingly inconsequential steps you can take every day that can move your life in a completely new and positive direction.

Dont be Brad—Write down the small, seemingly inconsequential actions you can stop doing that might be compounding your results downward.

List a few areas, skills, or outcomes where you have been most successful in the past. Consider whether you could be taking those for granted and not continuing to improve, which could lead to future failure.