Harry Lorayne


  • Identify the pegs which are difficult to remember. Make use of images to remember those pegs

  • Also try to make your own pegs, the first peg that comes to your mind. See it, visualize it as clearly as possible.

  • Letter are not important. We are interested in the sound only.

  • It is called phonetic alphabet.

  • Phonetic sound of these letters are the same in each case.

  1. T, D
  2. N
  3. M
  4. R
  5. L
  6. J, sh, ch, g (gee) soft g
  7. K, c, g (go) hard c, hard g
  8. F, v
  9. P, b
  10. Z, s

    1. Tie
    1. Noah
    1. Ma
    1. Ma
    1. Rye
    1. Law
    1. Shoe
    1. Cow
    1. Ivy
    1. Bee
    1. Toes
    1. Tot
    1. Tin
    1. Tomb
    1. Tire
    1. Towel
    1. Dish
    1. Tack, Dick
    1. Dove
    1. Tub
    1. Nose
    1. Net
    1. Nun
    1. Name
    1. Nero
    1. Nail
    1. notch
    1. neck
    1. knife
    1. knob
    1. mice
    1. mat
    1. moon
    1. mummy
    1. mower
    1. mule
    1. match
    1. mug
    1. movie
    1. mop
    1. rose
    1. rod
    1. rain
    1. ram
    1. rower
    1. roll, rail
    1. roach
    1. rock
    1. roof
    1. rope
    1. lace
    1. Lot
    1. Lion
    1. Loom
    1. Lure
    1. Lily
    1. Leech
    1. Log
    1. Lava
    1. Lip
    1. Cheese
    1. Sheet
    1. Chain
    1. Chum
    1. Cherry
    1. Jail, Chilli
    1. Choo Choo
    1. Chalk
    1. Chef
    1. Ship
    1. Case
    1. Cot
    1. Coin
    1. Comb
    1. Car
    1. Coal
    1. Cage
    1. Coke
    1. Cave
    1. Cob
    1. Fez
    1. Fit
    1. Phone
    1. Foam
    1. Fur
    1. File
    1. Fish
    1. Fog
    1. Fife
    1. Fob
    1. Bus
    1. Bat
    1. Bone, Pin
    1. Bum
    1. Bear
    1. Bell
    1. Beach
    1. Book
    1. Puff
    1. Pipe
    1. Thesis, Disease