
This page will server as a template for Journaling. It will contain structure to write daily, weekly, montly, yearly and life time Journaling.

Exercise 2

Becoming Your Life’s Historian

  • Things you’re working on
  • Relationships
  • New experiences
  • Recent “wins”
  • Mistakes or missteps
  • Current emotional state
  • How you’re spending time
  • Who you’re surrounded by
  • What you’re planning

Documenting Lessons Learned

  • “Yesterday (or today) I learned…”

Chronicling Your Dreams

  • Describe your dreams
  • Keep journal on bedside table

Morning Pages and Getting It All Out

  • 3 pages of freestyle writing
  • No theme or structure
  • No filters

Your Daily “Why”

  • My ‘why’ for today is…
  • Higher purpose for today’s actions

Goals, To-Do’s, and Progress Tracking

  • Today’s 2-3 “crucial results”
  • Tracking daily habit compliance

Gratitude Journaling

  • I’m grateful for…
  • As many items as you can
  • As detailed as possible

Gratitude Journaling

  • I’m looking forward to…
  • As many items as you can
  • As detailed as possible

Training Your Want Muscle

  • I want…
  • Dream as big as you can
  • Avoid shallow wants